What is CV360 Phase II?

CV360-Phase II is the Oracle Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution that will replace our existing FMIS, Oracle E-Business Suite.   For those of you who rely on FMIS for your financial and procurement business operations, it's important to be aware that there will be changes affecting your workflow. You should anticipate the need to engage with the new system, participate in hands-on activities, and provide valuable feedback to help identify areas for improvement before the system goes live. This transition will directly impact your day-to-day operations, and your input will play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and efficient transition process.

Why move from FMIS to CV360?  

CV360’s guiding principle is to minimize low/no-value-add work and enhance information quality through the utilization of automation, workflow, reporting, and standardization.

How can I get more information about this project?

Be on the lookout for our Monthly newsletters, which will contain future updates, training invitations, and ways to participate in testing the new system. Please contact us at CV360@dekalbcountyga.gov if you have specific questions. 

How do I know if I’m affected? If I’m affected, this impact my work?

If you are a DeKalb County employee who works on, oversees, manages, and/or approves financial and or procurement efforts, then you will transition from using the existing FMIS to CV360-Phase II.

You will receive additional guidance as the project continues to progress; however, for now, please continue to use the existing system.

When is the projected Go Live?

Summer 2024

How can I help with this transition?

Stay connected by reading all the CV360 emails and communications that contain information on schedule and upcoming events.  Be a change agent by spreading the word of upcoming changes and by contacting the CV360 Team with any questions or concerns as we progress towards go-live.