How to Do Business

Please join us for our 8th Annual Reverse Tradeshow & Procurement Summit, Register Here

Thank you for your interest in doing business with DeKalb County.  The provision of vital services to our citizens are ultimately the result of a partnership between the departments of county government and the vendor community which provides the goods and services needed to support county operations.

 Please join us online via Zoom for our monthly How To Do Business Seminar! Register Here
Due to system updates the meeting for February 14, 2025 is cancelled pending reschedule.

Our core mission is to provide exceptional customer service while delivering procurement services that satisfies our customers’ needs through an open, fair and transparent process.

Starting at 8:00 AM on August 5th, CV360 will become your primary platform for Supplier interactions with the County.

Login instructions will be provided on Sunday, August 4th by email and training will be assessable from the CV360 menu. Please be sure to review training videos to help you navigate the new system and Visit YouTube for announcements.

Please feel free to contact our iSupplier Helpdesk (404)-371-2713, or CV360Inquiry for additional assistance. 

Suppliers interested in certification as a Local Small Business Enterprise (LSBE) should complete the appropriate application as well. 

LSBE Application Process

We hope that the following information will assist you in better understanding the process to be followed to do business with DeKalb County.

Overview of the Purchasing Process

Purchasing & Contracting utilizes competitive bidding processes to procure its goods and services. The two most commonly utilized processes are the Invitation to Bid (ITB) which awards the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder(s) and the Request for Proposal (RFP) which awards the highest scoring, responsive and responsible proposer(s) determined to be most advantageous to the County based on evaluation factors established.


It is the goal of all employees in the Purchasing and Contracting Department to obtain the very best value for every tax dollar spent for the citizens of DeKalb County and to ensure that your visit to this department is productive and pleasant.

Questions Regarding Bids Prior to Opening

Questions regarding Invitations to Bid and Request for Proposal must be submitted in writing, via email to the procurement agent identified in time to allow a written response to all bidders in the form of addenda. This is to ensure that all Bidders receive the same information. Oral explanations or instructions will not be binding.

Submitting Bids

Informal bids (under $50,000.00) may be submitted by email, mail, or in person to the Purchasing & Contracting representative, as requested. Formal sealed bids for items greater than $50,000.00 are to be submitted to the Purchasing & Contracting Department no later than the date and time set for opening. Bids/Proposals received after the opening deadline will not be considered. It is incumbent upon the bidder to ensure that bids are filled out correctly, completely and signed. Double check prices. Ensure that all solicitation requirements are submitted with your bid/proposal.

Awarding of Contracts

Contracts are awarded based on a combination of factors that are most advantageous to DeKalb County.  The County reserves the right to make no awards, one award of all items, or multiple awards of items.  The method utilized to solicit bids and proposals is determined by the estimated dollar value of the individual purchase or the type of commodity or service needed.

Bid Openings

Bid openings are held daily at 3:00 p.m. in the Purchasing and Contracting Department conference room.  Bid openings are public.  You and/or a representative of your firm are welcome to attend whether your firm is engaged in bidding or not.  Information regarding sealed bid prices will be given over the telephone, or written as requested, after they have been opened, abstracted and checked.


All Invitations to Bid and Request for Proposals are advertised in the Champion Newspaper as the required legal organ of DeKalb County. Bidders are encouraged to subscribe to:

The Champion Newspaper
P.O. Box 1347
Decatur, GA 30031-1347
Phone: (404) 373-7779

Advertisements are also posted on the Georgia Procurement Registry, our website and the DeKalb Cable Channel 23.

Reporting of Gifts given to County Employees and Officials; for more information please visit the DeKalb County Board of Ethics.