DeKalb County Ethics Board Regular Meeting April 20

Dekalb County

DECATUR, Ga. – The DeKalb County Board of Ethics will conduct a regular board meeting on Thursday, April 20, 2017, at 4 p.m., at Emory Center for Ethics, Room 162, 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322.

I.             Call to Order

II.            Welcome and Introductions

III.           Adoption of Agenda

IV.          Review and Approve Meeting Minutes from March 16, 2017

V.            Unfinished Business

  1.  Reports
  1. Viola Davis/Joel Edwards/Rhea Johnson against Sharon Barnes Sutton - Tabled
  2. William Perry against Sharon Barnes Sutton - Tabled
  3. Viola Davis against Kelvin Walton
  4. Viola Davis against Nina Hall
  5. Rhea Johnson against Vaughn Irons
  6. Rhea Johnson against Stan Watson
  7. Sandra Kaye Bowen against Sharon Barnes-Sutton


  1. New Business
  1. Vernon Jones against Stacey Kalberman
  2. Rhea Johnson against Burrell Ellis (refile)
  3. Rhea Johnson against John Matelski, Barry Puckett and Brad Bowen
  4. Rhea Johnson against Stacey Kalberman and Dan DeWoskin
  5. Amos King against Stacey Kalberman and DeKalb Board of Ethics
  6. Calvin Thompson against  unknown police officer
  7. Rhea Johnson against Kelly Cato
  8. Rhea Johnson against Kathie Gannon
  9. Discussion of notice provision in 22A(i)(3)(G)

VII.         Administrative

  1. Expense approval
  2. Public Comment

VIII.        Adjournment

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