Police Athletic League Plus (PAL Plus)

Strategic Mission:

Reach a minimum of 5,000 DeKalb County youth annually.

PAL Initiatives:

  • Mentoring programs
  • Citizen’s Academy
  • Conflict resolution classes
  • Junior Police Academy
  • Youth football, basketball, track and field
  • Sports and educational field trips
  • College tours

Youth Intervention Programs:

  • DARE – Drug Abuse Resistance Education
  • DATE – Drug Alcohol Tobacco Education
  • GEES – Gentlemen Exemplifying Excellent Strength
  • GEMS – Girls Exemplifying Magnificent Strength
  • GREAT – Gang Resistance Education and Training
  • PRIDE – Parents Reducing Injuries & Driver Errors

*** For additional information, please contact one of the following:

  • Sgt. Bryant - (770) 724-7436
  • Det. Cochran - (770) 724-7469