Commissioner Robert Patrick and DeKalb County CEO Michael Thurmond, in partnership with DeKalb County's Transportation Department, and DeKalb County’s Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs, will unveil the newest traffic light at Pleasantdale Elementary School on Monday, April 24th, 2023.
The newly installed traffic signal adds another layer of safety for the students of Pleasantdale Elementary and residents utilizing Pleasantdale Park. The project, which cost roughly $252,100 dollars, was funded with the County’s SPLOST, HOST, and Transportation Department funds.
Pleasantdale Road traffic light installation is just another example of residents’ tax dollars at work and Commissioner Patrick’s dedication to improving DeKalb County’s infrastructure. The safety of DeKalb’s children and residents who use sidewalks and roads to walk to school, work, and stores have been a priority during his 1st term.
Since taking office in 2021, Commissioner Patrick has consistently prioritized creating safer neighborhoods, as evidenced by his efforts to renovate and redevelop Pleasantdale Park, McElroy Road, and partnering with Georgia Safe Sidewalks. Over the past 18 months, he has collaborated with DeKalb County's Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs to host numerous community engagement events to discuss Pleasantdale Park's redesign. “I have heard the many concerns of residents in the Pleasantdale Road area, and I am listening and taking action,” he stated.
The Pleasantdale Road corridor will see further improvements soon. He hopes to commence work on mid-block pedestrian crosswalks and implementing Pleasantdale Park's Master Plan for redevelopment in the near future.
The “Flip the Switch” event begins at 10:00am in front of Pleasantdale Elementary School located at 3680 Pleasantdale Rd, Doraville, GA. The event is open to the public and begins at 10:00am.