Commissioner Steve Bradshaw will host his third Quarterly in the Fourth Community Breakfast meeting for 2022 that will be held virtually for the foreseeable future.
“I remain optimistic and look forward to one day resume these meetings at community-based locations soon,” Commissioner Bradshaw said.
Commissioner Bradshaw will host his Quarterly in the Fourth Community Breakfast meeting on Saturday, July 23, via Zoom from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Representatives will provide updates on the COVID-19 pandemic, DeKalb millage rates, general budget process and the midyear. Also, DeKalb Human Services Director Damon Scott will provide an update and respond to questions, along with police, code compliance and sanitation representatives.
These community meetings are designed to provide residents with information and resources as well as address their concerns.
“These meetings afford me and my constituents the opportunity to engage and learn about their ideas on a number of issues to keep moving DeKalb forward,” said Commissioner Bradshaw.
Quarterly in the Fourth Meeting dates and Zoom link below for 2022.
July 23 and Oct. 22
9 to 10:30 a.m.
To join the webinar online, go to https://dekalbcountyga.zoom.us/j/88103891995 or join via telephone by calling 602-333-0032 and using conference code 963998.