Grants and Administration

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The Office of Grants & Administration provides support and services to all DeKalb citizens to maintain sustainable communities and to improve their public safety.

This Division allocates and administers resources through the Human Services Grant Program to support local victim assistance initiatives that have a prevention, early intervention or crisis focus and to support local human service programs that address youth development, child and family welfare and senior services through advocacy, planning and education initiatives.

Click here to download a Special Report: Serving the Community Through Our Nonprofit Organizations, to see how the Human Services Grants Program has worked diligently to aid to those facing food insecurity, homelessness, domestic violence, and many more areas that affect DeKalb families and individuals.

To learn more about the Human Services Grant Program, please call the Office of Grants & Administration at (470) 543-0754 or email

1: When are Human Services Grant applications accepted? A: Grant applications are accepted annually from
May to June of each calendar year.
Please note: Applicants must complete the Human Services Grant Reference Form and submit it to the email address listed to obtain an electronic copy of the grant application. Click here to access the form.
2: What are the eligibility requirements to apply for a Human Services Grant? A: Local non-profits with 501 (c) (3) status, operational for two (2) years or more and provide services to DeKalb residents within a minimum of one (1) priority area.
3: What are the priority areas? A: Children & Youth, Crisis Intervention/Domestic Violence, Disability, Elderly, Family Services, Food Insecurity, Homelessness and Public Health.
4: What are the score requirements for grant applications? A: Applications must receive a composite score of eighty (80), out of a maximum composite score of one hundred (100), to be recommended for funding.
5: Why does the Office of Grants & Administration assign three (3) reviewers to evaluate each grant application? A: To ensure that all applications are scored fairly and to balance out differences in scoring styles.

The Office of Grants and Administration also oversees the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program. DeKalb County receives funding through the Georgia Department of Public Health and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services to implement the program.

The MIECHV program focuses on the support and care of a child for the first five years of life. At its heart, the program creates a community culture of caring, encouragement and support for all families before and after the birth of a child. It is first and foremost a vision for how communities provide a welcome to every child, make available natural supports for all expectant families, children birth to age five, provide basic parenting information and resources, and link families with more intensive services when needed.

The MIECHV program connects families to parenting resources and a wide range of community services that improve child family well-being. Families receive services through the First Steps and Parents as Teachers (PAT) home visiting programs. Participation is free, voluntary and confidential.


MIECHV - DeKalb County’s First Steps Parent Resource Packet provides expectant mothers and families with children, newborn to age five, with local referrals to maternal and child focused resources and relevant age-appropriate information in the following categories:

  • Maternal Health
  • Newborn/Child Health
  • Home and Child Safety
  • Community and Family Safety
  • School Readiness
  • Family Economic Self-sufficiency

Please contact the First Steps Coordinator, if you would like to receive a First Steps Parent Resource Packet and give your child a GREAT START!

photo of baby 

Extensive research has shown the effectiveness of home visits in improving outcomes for maternal and child health, home and child safety, school readiness, family safety, and family economic self-sufficiency.

MIECHV - DeKalb County offers expectant mothers and families with children, newborn to age five, the following home visiting programs to those who qualify* and want to offer their children a GREAT START.

Our home visiting programs are conducted in partnership with:

  • Scottdale Early Learning Inc.
  • New American Pathways
 If you would like to refer an expectant mother or family with children, newborn to age five, to the MIECHV - DeKalb County First Steps program, to the home visiting program or to receive a “First Steps: Parent Resource Directory,” please contact the First Steps Coordinator. The DeKalb County MIECHV First Steps Coordinator will follow-up with the family to see what programs they may qualify for and provide referrals.

Please contact us if you have questions about the MIECHV - DeKalb County program, would like to receive a “First Steps: Parent Resource Guide”, want to know if you qualify for the home visiting program, or would like us to speak at your next workshop or event.  This service is free, voluntary and confidential.    

Please call (404) 990-7303 or email

Grants and Administration
(470) 543-0754 |

(404) 990-7303 |

Lisa Thomas
Manager, Office of Grants & Administration

Pamela Hurst
Project Monitor, Office of Grants & Administration

Callista Miller
MIECHV Program Administrator



[404] 270-1178

[404] 210-1697

[770] 322-2950

[470] 543-0754

[770] 322-2967