Budget Information

2024 Budget Information:

2024 Millage Rates Public Hearing Presentation 2024.07.09

Substitute Millage Rates Agenda Item (2024-0753) 2024.07.09

2024 5-Year Digest History

2024 Notice of Property Tax Increase

FY24 Budget as passed 2024.02.27

FY24 Budget Presentation 2024.01.23

2023 Budget Information:

2023 Annual Budget Document

2023 Mid-Year Amendment as proposed 2023.09.12

2023 Substitute Millage Rates Agenda Item Package 2023.07.11

2023 Millage Rates Public Hearing Presentation 2023.07.11

2023 5-Year Digest History

FY23 DeKalb County Notice of Property Tax Increase

FY23 Budget as adopted 2023.02.28

FY23 Budget Public Hearing Presentation 2023.02.28

FY23 Budget Substitute 2023.02.28

FY23 Budget as proposed 2022.12.15

FY23 Community Budget Information Presentation

DeKalb County 2023 Community Budget Information Meetings

2022 Budget Information:

2022 Budget Document

FY22 Mid-Year Amendment Substitute as Approved 2022.10.11.pdf

2022 Mid-year Amendment BOC Public Hearing Presentation 2022.10.11.pdf

2022 Mid-year Amendment BOC Public Hearing Presentation 2022.09.13

FY22 Mid-year Budget Amendment as Proposed 2022.09.02

2022 Millage Rates Public Hearing 2022.07.12

Substitute 2022 Millage Rates Agenda Item Package 2022.07.12

DeKalb County 2022 Current Tax Digest and Five-Year History of Levy

FY22 Mid-Year Budget Agenda Item Package

2022 Millage Rates Presentation

2022 Notice of Property Tax Increase

FY2022 Budget as Approved 2022.02.22

FY2022 Budget as Amended 2022.02.18

BOC FY22 Budget Presentation 2022.02.22

FY22 Notice of Public Hearing & Budget Adoption

Finance, Audit, & Budget Committee FY2022 Budget Presentation 2022.01.11

FY2022 Budget as Proposed 2021.12.15 (rev. 2021.12.21)

2021 Budget Information:

FY2022 Budget as Amended 2022.02.18.pdf

FY21 Budget Document

FY21 Mid-Year Budget as Passed 2021.08.24

FY21 Mid-Year Budget as Revised 2021.07.22

5-Year Property Tax Digest Ad FY21

FY21 Mid-Year Budget as Proposed 2021.06.22

FY21 Mid-Year Budget Public Hearing Presentation 2021.06.22

FY21 Mid-Year Revenue Presentation 2021.06.15

FY21 Budget as passed 2021.02.23

FY21 Budget as amended 2021.02.22

FY21 Notice of Public Hearing & Budget Adoption

FY21 Budget as proposed 2020.12.15

2020 Budget Information:

FY20 Annual Budget Document

5-Year Property Tax Digest Ad FY20

FY20 Mid-Year Budget as proposed 2020.06.26

2020 Millage Rates & Mid-Year Budget Update

2020 Notice of Property Tax Increase

FAB FY20 Revenue Projections Presentation 2020.06.09

FY20 Budget as approved 2020.02.25

CIP Committee to Meet

2019 Budget Information:

FY19 Annual Budget Document

FY19 Mid-Year Budget As Passed 2019.07.09

2019 Mid-Year Budget Update 2019.06.18

FY19 Mid-Year Budget Public Hearing Presentation 2019.06.25

5-Year Property Tax Digest Ad FY19

2019 Notice of Property Tax Increase

FY19 Budget As Passed 2019.02.26

2018 Budget Information:

FY18 Mid-Year Budget As Passed 2018.07.10

FY18 Annual Budget Document

FY18 Budget As Passed 2018.02.27

2017 Budget Information:

FY17 Mid-Year Budget As passed 2017.07.11

FY17 Annual Budget Document

FY17 Original Budget As Passed 2017.02.28

2016 Budget Information:

FY16 Annual Budget Document

FY16 Midyear Budget As Passed 2016.07.19

FY16 Original Budget As Passed 2016.02.25

2015 Budget Information:

FY15 Annual Budget Document

FY15 Midyear Budget As Passed 2015.07.21

FY15 Original Budget As Passed 2015.02.27

2014 Budget Information:

FY14 Annual Budget Document

FY14 Midyear Budget As Passed 2014.07.08

2013 Budget Information:

FY13 Annual Budget Document

2012 Budget Information:

FY12 Annual Budget Document

2011 Budget Information:

FY11 Annual Budget Document

2010 Budget Information:

FY10 Annual Budget Document

2009 Budget Information:

FY09 Annual Budget Document

2008 Budget Information:

FY08 Annual Budget Document

2007 Budget Information:

FY07 Annual Budget Document

2006 Budget Information:

FY06 Annual Budget Document

2005 Budget Information:

FY05 Annual Budget Document

2004 Budget Information:  

FY04 Annual Budget Document

2003 Budget Information:

FY03 Annual Budget Document