What is CV360 Phase II?
CloudVergent360 or CV360 for short, is DeKalb County's wholistic Oracle Cloud system. CV360 will replace DeKalb County's existing Financial Management Information System (FMIS), Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS). CV360’s first implementation was HCM (Human Capital Management) Cloud, and the upcoming implementation is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Cloud. Internally, we refer to the ERP Cloud system as “CV360 Phase II” or “CV360 Financials” to differentiate the two.
When does CV360 go live?
CV360 will be available on August 05, 2024.
How can I get more information about this project?
We will regularly update this page, so please feel free to revisit. Active vendors should be on the lookout for emails from CV360Inquiry@dekalbcountyga.gov which will contain future updates, training invitations, and information about how you can participate in testing the new system.
Do not hesitate to contact us at CV360Inquiry@dekalbcountyga.gov if you have specific questions and/or feedback.
How will CV360 differ from the County’s current system?
Key supplier functionality will be the same in CV360. However, the look and feel of the new system will differ from what you see today. Be on the lookout for communications and how-to guides that will provide more guidance on changes in CV360.
Will I need to re-register in the CV360 iSupplier portal?
Existing iSupplier users will be migrated to CV360. There will be no need to re-register.
What about my existing data?
Account information (e.g., active user accounts, contacts, addresses, bank accounts) and open transactions (e.g., open contracts, incomplete purchase orders, and unpaid invoices) will be migrated to CV360.
How do I become a vendor with DeKalb County?
Visit our How to Do Business page for detailed information.
I am a current Vendor with DeKalb County. How do I get access to the current iSupplier portal?
Please visit the CV360 menu for details if you are unable to request a Password reset from the login screen utilizing your email address.