General Election Information

General Election Information


Upcoming Elections

2024 Election Cycle Calendar

Key Dates/ Fechas Clave / 주요 일정 

August 19: First Day to request an Absentee Ballot for November 5 General Election  
October 25: Last day to request absentee Ballot for November 5 General Election  
October 15: Advance voting begins for the November 5 General Election 
November 1: Advance voting ends for the November 5 General Election
November 5: Election Day

Know Before You Vote/ Sepa Antes de Votar / 투표 전에 꼭알아두세요 


español (Spanish) 

한국어 (Korean)

ID Requirements

To vote in person or apply for an absentee ballot, you will need to show ID. There are six acceptable forms of photo ID:

  • Georgia Driver's License, even if expired
  • Valid ID issued by any state or the Federal Government
  • Valid employee ID issued by the Federal Government, the State of Georgia, or a county, city, or other government entity of Georgia
  • Valid US passport
  • Valid US military ID
  • Valid tribal ID

If you are applying for an absentee ballot or you are a first-time registrant by mail who has not already provided a photo ID, there are five more forms of ID you can use:

  • Current utility bill
  • Bank statement
  • Government check
  • Paycheck
  • Other government document

If you do not have an acceptable photo ID, you can get a Voter ID, free of charge, from our office at 4380 Memorial Drive.

You must provide:

  • A photo identity document or approved non-photo identity document that includes your full legal name and date of birth
  • Documentation showing your date of birth
  • Evidence that you are a registered voter
  • Documentation showing your name and residential address

For more information about Georgia's ID requirements, visit the Secretary of State's page.