The DeKalb County RSVP offers older adults age 55 and older the opportunity to stay engaged and make a difference in their community.  In DeKalb County, our seniors don't retire, they REFIRE! This program is a flexible way for volunteers to stay civically engaged and volunteer for opportunities that are most compatible with their skills and interests. You don’t have to be an “expert” in the subject areas as we provide volunteers with several training opportunities. The Training is FREE and limited mileage reimbursement is provided.

The Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) provides volunteers with comprehensive training prior to their assignment, so you can choose to apply your skills in an area you are already familiar with or try something different and new that you find interesting.

The RSVP Program is the perfect place to exchange ideas and put previously learned skills into practice. RSVP is the largest organization of 55+ volunteers in the nation. We use a civic engagement model to help older adults and people with disabilities maintain an independent and healthy lifestyle. Our goal is to create a sustainable lifelong community. 

There are many different areas in volunteers can get involved through RSVP. Volunteers serve as community educators, workshop facilitators, community ambassadors, volunteer drivers, and staff information tables at health fairs and community events. Volunteers can also provide administrative and other skill-based support to the Office of Aging on special projects. 



Learning New Skills: Discover new talents and interest.

Bring people together: Connect with people in your community from diverse backgrounds, to build a team of new friends.

Strengthen Communities: Use your training and knowledge to convene citizens around community-based issues.   

Make a Difference: Be a leader and change agent in your community.


Interested volunteers are to contact our RSVP Volunteer hotline at (770) 322-2908. For more information about the program visit